Jung, SunghoonAssociate Professor
Office :
(Particle Physics Phenomenology)
- · 2011 Ph.D. in physics, University of Michigan
- · 2006 B.S. in physics, POSTECH
- · 2017 - present Assistant, Associate Professor at Seoul National University.
- · 2015 - 2017 Research Associate at SLAC, Stanford University.
- · 2012 - 2015 Research Fellow at KIAS
- · 2011 - 2012 Postdoc Researcher at Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago
Research Interests
Quantum cosmology: (Eternal) inflation, de Sitter QFT, particle cosmology.
Gravitational waves: Dark matter and dark energy, gravitational lensing.
Higgs: Higgs EFT, new beauties.
Gravitational waves: Dark matter and dark energy, gravitational lensing.
Higgs: Higgs EFT, new beauties.
Selected Publications in the last 5 years
- "Hubble selection of the weak scale", Phys.Rev.Res.Letter(2022)
- "Small-scale shear: Peeling off diffuse subhalos with gravitational waves", Phys.Rev.D(2021)
- "Fermi-ball dark matter from a first-order phase transition", Phys.Rev.D(2020)
- "GRB lensing parallax: Closing the primordial black hole dark matter mass window", Phys.Rev.Research(2020)
- "Gravitational-wave fringes at LIGO: Detecting compact dark matter by lensing", Phys.Rev.Lett.(2019)
- "New Probe of Dark Matter-Induced Fifth Force with Neutron Star Inspirals", Phys.Rev.D(2019)
- "Improved Formalism for Precision Higgs Coupling Fits", Phys.Rev.D(2018)
- "Model-Independent Determination of the Triple Higgs Coupling at e+e- Colliders", Phys.Rev.D(2018)
- "Localizing Gravitational Wave Sources with Single-Baseline Atom Interferometers", Phys.Rev.D(2018)
- "Dip or nothingness of a Higgs resonance from the interference with a complex phase", Phys.Rev.D(2015)
- "Probing Light Stops with Stoponium", JHEP(2015)