
Department of Physics & Astronomy

Curriculum for students beginning their studies after 2016

  • 1) Credits required for graduation: Total of 130
  • 2) Required minimum GPA : Major 2.0 / All course 2.0
  • 3) Required number of enrolled semesters : more than six times.
    • To graduate, students must complete 130 credits, with 44 of these for liberal arts courses and 60 for major-related courses.
Department Completion for graduation General Elective Major courses Multiple major Minor
Single major Multiple majors
Physics & Astronomy 130 44 60 39 39 21
※ Basics of Writing (3 credits), Two foreign language courses (4-6 credits)
Requisite and elective major courses
[Course requirements for requisite and elective major courses]
Requisite : 25 or more credits / Electives: 35 or more credits → Total: 60 credits
[Course requirements for double majors]
Requisite: 25 or more credits / Electives: 14 or more credits → Total: 39 credits
Required Major Courses
(25 credits)
300.211 Mechanics 1 (3-3-0)
3348.215 Exercises in Mechanics 1 (1-0-2)
300.214 Electricity and Magnetism (3-3-0)
3348.202 Exercises in Electricity and Magnetism (1-0-2)
3342.202 Electronics and Measurement Techniques
for Science and Engineering Students (3-1-4)
884.303 Quantum Physics 1 (3-3-0)
3348.310 Exercises in Quantum Physics (1-0-2)
884.307A Intermediate Physics Laboratory 1 (3-0-6)
884.302 Thermal and Statistical Physics (3-3-0)
8884.304 Quantum Physics 2 (3-3-0)
3348.311 Exercises in Quantum Physics 2 (1-0-2)
Elective Major Courses
3342.201A Foundations of Modern Physics (3-3-0)
881.007 Introduction to Linear Algebra (3-3-0)
300.212 Mechanics2 (3-3-0)
3348.216 Exercises in Mechanics 2 (1-0-2)
3348.203 Rudimentary Mathematical
Methods of Physics(3-3-0)
884.301 Electromagnetic Waves and Optics (3-3-0)
3348.309 Exercises in Electromagnetic
Waves and Optics (1-0-2)
884.306 Mathematical Methods of Physics (3-3-0)
881.004 Complex Variables (3-3-0)
884.308A Intermediate Physics Laboratory 2 (3-0-6)
884.310 Computational Physics (3-2-2)
884.401A Relativity and Spacetime (3-3-0)
884.403 Properties of Solids (3-3-0)
884.404 Fluid Mechanics (3-3-0)
884.405A Advanced Optics (3-3-0)
884.409 Senior Physics Laboratory (3-0-6)
3348.401 Introductory Biological Physics (3-3-0)
3348.408 Independent Study (3-3-0)
884.402 Nuclei and Particles (3-3-0)
884.404 Fluid Mechanics (3-3-0)
884.406A Physics and New Technology (3-3-0)
3348.403 Collective Phenomena in Condensed
Matter Physics (3-3-0)
884.403 Studies on Historic Articles of Physics (3-3-0)
884.407A Independent Study 2 (3-3-0)
M1419.000100 Industrial Applications of Physics (3-2-3)
[Course Requirements for Minor]
Requisite: 12 or more credits / Electives: 9 or more credits → Total: 21 credits
Required Minor Courses
(12 credits)
Fluid Mechanics 1(300.211)[or Mechanics : Short Course (300.209C)]
Electricity and Magnetism(300.214)[or Electromagnetism : Short Course(3342.002A)]
Quantum Physics 1 (884.303)
[or Quantum Physics : Short Course(3342.305A)] & Thermal and Statistical Physics(884.302)
Regulations for Submission of the Thesis
  • After obtaining the required credits (130 credits) for a bachelor’s course and selecting an academic advisor at the beginning of the year in which the student plans to graduate:
    • - The student writes the thesis for a bachelor’s degree with guidance from the academic advisor
    • - The student submits the application for graduation at the beginning of the year in which he/she plans to graduate and must pass the graduation thesis evaluation.