
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Gang, Dongmin Associate Professor
Office : 56-512 , +82-2-880-1466 (Quantum Field Theory and String Theory)


  • · 2011 Ph.D. in Physics, Seoul National University
  • · 2005 B.S. in Physics, POSTECH


  • · 2021.3-present Assistant Professor at Seoul National University
  • · 2019.10-2021.2 JRG Leader at APCTP
  • · 2019.3-2019.9 QUC Fellow at KIAS
  • · 2017.4-2019.2 Senior Researcher at CTP, Seoul National University
  • · 2014.10-2017.3 Project Researcher at IPMU, University of Tokyo
  • · 2011.3-2014.9 Research Fellow at KIAS

Research Interests

*. Emergent non-perturbative phenomena in strongly coupled quantum field theories
*. Geometrical reformulation of quantum field theory via string/M theory
*. Quantum gravity using holographic principle
*. Knot theory and topological quantum field theory

Selected Publications in the last 5 years

  1. Non-unitary TQFTs from 3D N=4 rank 0 SCFTs, arXiv preprint 2103.09283
  2. M-theoretic Genesis of Topological Phases, JHEP11(2020)115
  3. Rotating Black Hole Entropy from M5-branes, JHEP03(2020)057
  4. Symmetry enhancement and closing of knots in 3d/3d correspondence, JHEP07(2018)145