
Department of Physics & Astronomy

Probing quantum states of matters in proximity to superconductivity

August 26, 2022l Hit 997
Date : December 14, 2022 16:00 ~
Speaker : 서정필 (DGIST 화학물리학과)
Professor : Prof. Dohun Kim, Prof. Sunghoon Jung
Location : 56동105호 +온라인 중계 (코로나 방역 상황에 따라 변동 가능)

The electron pairs in s-wave superconductivity is stabilized by the phonon-mediated attractive Coulomb interactions. When non-superconducting materials (normal metal) are placed next to an s-wave superconductor, the non-superconducting materials turn into a superconductor within the length scale of superconducting coherent length. This is known as a superconducting proximity effect. In this talk. I will report several cases of materials grown on Pb(111) substrate and show the experimental realization of the superconducting proximity effect using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). I will then discuss how to utilize the Pb superconductivity for probing the novel quantum states of the overgrown materials on Pb(111).
