
Department of Physics & Astronomy

계산물리학과 미래의 계산기계 (A view of atom builder on future computing+machine)

February 21, 2025l Hit 120
Date : May 14, 2025 16:00 ~
Speaker : 손영우 (고등과학원)
Professor : Prof. Sunghoon Jung, Prof. Joonho Jang, Prof. Yongjoo Baek
Location : 56동105호
 콜로퀴엄에서는 물리학의 여러 분야들 중에 상대적으로 새로운 분야라고   있는 계산응집물리학이 현대 물리학에서 어떤 위치에 있으며양자역학의 근본적인 문제와 어떤 관련이 있는지 간략하 소개하려고 한다특히 분야가 당면한 문제와 이를  응용하여 얻을  있는 결과들이 무엇인지그리고 향후  분야의 발전과 인접한 물리학과 공학들의 발전이 합쳐져서 인류의 가까운 미래에 어떤 영향을   있을지특히 계산하는 기계를 만드는 것에 어떤 영향을   있을지에 대한 고민을 나누고자 한다

This colloquium aims to briefly introduce where computational condensed matter physics, a relatively new field among various areas of physics, stands in modern physics, and how it relates to the fundamental issues of quantum mechanics. In particular, we will discuss the challenges faced by this field, the results that can be obtained by effectively applying it, and how the development of this field, along with advancements in related areas of physics and engineering, may influence humanity's near future. We will especially consider how it could impact the creation of future computing machines.