Research Opportunities
Application Deadline
May 31, 2024     [These positions have been filled; please wait for another announcement in the future]
Position Starts
As early as March or as late as September, 2024
Contact Information
Center for Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Korea
Prof. Ji-hoon Kim   (mornkr[at]
The Computational Cosmology Group in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Seoul National University (SNU) invites applications for postdoctoral research fellows. The successful candidates will work with Prof. Ji-hoon Kim (CV in PDF) on simulations of supermassive black holes, galaxies and large-scale structures, explore the potentials of machine learning in computational cosmology, and/or assist with the AGORA High-resolution Galaxy Simulations Comparison Project. He/she will also have opportunities to collaborate with other members of the Department, to mentor students, and to carry out independent research projects. He/she will have access to local high-performance computing facilities (720-core Intel Xeon SP Gold cluster + GPU nodes; as of 2024) as well as other more powerful supercomputing resources such as at KISTI.
Appointments are initially for one year (with a flexible starting date between March and September 2024), with extension for additional two years contingent upon mutual agreement and research performance. The salary will be commensurate with the applicant's qualification and experience. Funds will be available for conferences, travel, and publications. National health insurance coverage and pension will be available. University-subsidized housing on campus may be available for foreign nationals. This position will be funded in part by the Institute for Data Innovation in Science at SNU.
Applicants should have completed a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in astrophysics, astronomy, physics, or a closely related area prior to commencing. Expertise in running and/or analyzing cosmological simulations is desired. Complete applications should include [1] a CV (duration of matriculation and graduation should be dated), [2] a list of publications, [3] a statement of past research (up to 3 pages), [4] a statement of future research interests and plans (up to 3 pages), and [5] the names and email addresses of reference letter writers, as a single PDF file sent to mornkr[at] by May 31, 2024. Applicants should arrange for at least 3 letters of recommendation to be sent directly to the same email address by the same deadline. Interested applicants are welcome to contact Prof. Ji-hoon Kim with questions at any time.
The successful candidates will join the Department with more than 50 faculties actively working on diverse topics -- astrophysics and cosmology, high-energy and particle physics, nuclear physics, atomic physics, condensed matter physics, etc -- along with a group of highly motivated students and postdocs (physics program, astronomy program; for more information about life at SNU, visit here). Our research group is committed to cultivating an inclusive work environment. All qualified applicants will receive full consideration for employment without regard to national origin, religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, and disabilities.
(Eligible applicants may consider applying for a prestigious Seoul National University Science Fellowship jointly with our group in 2024. See the latest announcement here.)
Postdoctoral Position (2024)
Postdoctoral Position (2019) - My mentoring experiences can be found in my CV.