Links to the World

Department of Physics and Astronomy at Seoul National University (SNU)
Center for Theoretical Physics at SNU
Institute for Data Innovation in Science at SNU
Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC) at Stanford
Computational Astrophysics at Stanford/KIPAC
Department of Physics at Stanford
Theoretical AstroPhysics Including Relativity and Cosmology (TAPIR) at Caltech
Moore Center for Theoretical Cosmology and Physics at Caltech
Department of Astronomy at Caltech
Inter[stellar+galactic] Medium Program of Studies at University of California Santa Cruz
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics at Univeristy of California Santa Cruz
Einstein Fellowship Program sponsered by NASA
AGORA Project Portal: High-resolution Galaxy Simulations Comparison Initiative
DARWIN Project Portal: Simulating the Formation and Evolution of Dwarf Galaxies
Enzo Project Portal: Adaptive Mesh Refinement Simulation Code for Astrophysics
FIRE Project Portal: Feedback In Realistic Environment Using GIZMO
GIZMO: Mesh-free Hydrodynamics Simulation Code for Astrophysics
yt Project Portal: Astrophysical Simulations Analysis Toolkit
Joint Workshop on Galaxies and Dark Matter (3rd Meeting, 2025) at The Week& Resort
Numerical Galaxy Formation (5th Meeting, 2024) + AGORA In Asia Joint Workshop at SNU
Numerical Galaxy Formation (4th Meeting, 2023) + DARWIN Joint Workshop at Konjiam Resort
Korea Astronomy Machine Learning (8th Meeting, 2022) via Zoom
Numerical Galaxy Formation Mini-Workshop (3rd Meeting, 2022) via Zoom
Numerical Galaxy Formation Mini-Workshop (2nd Meeting, 2021) via Zoom
Numerical Galaxy Formation Mini-Workshop (1st Meeting, 2020) at SNU

Tom Abel (Stanford University & SLAC)
Marcelo Alvarez (Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics)
Oliver Hahn (University of Vienna)
Philip Hopkins (California Institute of Technology)
Yongseok Jo (Flatiron Institute & Columbia University)
Ralf Kaehler (Stanford University & SLAC)
Mark Krumholz (Australian National University)
Piero Madau (Univeristy of California Santa Cruz)
Kentaro Nagamine (Osaka University)
Joel Primack (Univeristy of California Santa Cruz)
Santi Roca-Fabrega (Lund University)
Romain Teyssier (Princeton University)
Matthew Turk (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
John Wise (Georgia Institute of Technology)

The Structure of Scientific Revolution
The Selfish Gene
What Is History?
Dark Energy
A River Runs Through It