[김진의교수] 논문 Reviews of Modern Physics에 게재 2010-03-13 l 조회수 1064
[천세환학생/김기훈교수/XMPL] Phys. Rev. Lett. 논문 게재 2010-02-02 l 조회수 1066
[Prof. Choonkyu Lee] Outstanding Referees of the APS 2010-01-26 l 조회수 1086
[Prof. Yung Woo Park] Election as a 2009 APS Fellow 2009-11-16 l 조회수 952
[이준희학생(지도교수: 전헌수교수)] ACP Best Student Presentation Award 수상 2009-11-04 l 조회수 1018