Associate ProfessorBaek, Yongjoo
- · 2014 Ph.D. in Physics, KAIST
- · 2009 B.S. in Physics, KAIST
- · 2019-present Assistant Professor, Seoul National University
- · 2017-2019 Research Associate, University of Cambridge
- · 2014-2017 Post-Doctorate Fellow, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
최근 5년간 주요논문
- Yongjoo Baek, Alexandre P. Solon, Xinpeng Xu, Nikolai Nikola, and Yariv Kafri, Generic long-range interactions between passive bodies in an active fluid, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 058002 (2018).
- Yongjoo Baek, Yariv Kafri, and Vivien Lecomte, Dynamical symmetry breaking and phase transitions in driven diffusive systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 030604 (2017).