ProfessorShin, Yong-il
- · 2006 Ph.D. in Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- · 2000 B.S. in Physics, Seoul National University
- · 2020-present Professor, Seoul National University
- · 2011-2020 Assistant/ Associate Professor, Seoul National University
- · 2009-2011 WCU Assistant Professor, Seoul Natonal University
- · 2008-2009 Research Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- · 2006-2008 Postdoctoral Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
우리는 레이저 냉각, 증발 냉각 등의 실험기술을 활용하여 나노 켈빈 영역의 극저온 원자기체 시료를 생성하고, 이를 이용하여 보즈-아인슈타인 응축, 초유동성 등과 같은 집단 양자 발현 현상에 대한 물리를 연구합니다. 다양한 양자 기체 시스템을 개발하고 연구함으로써 새로운 물질 상태를 탐색합니다.
최근 5년간 주요논문
- Kibble-Zurek universality in a strongly interacting Fermi superfluid, B. Ko, J. W. Park, and Y. Shin, Nature Physics 15, 1227 (2019).
- Observation of Wall-Vortex Composite Defects in a Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate, S. Kang, S. W. Seo, H. Takeuchi, and Y. Shin, Physical Review Letters 122, 095301 (2019).
- Band Gap Closing in a Synthetic Hall Tube of Neutral Fermions, J. H. Han, J. H. Kang, and Y. Shin, Physical Review Letters 122, 065303 (2019).
- Critical Vortex Shedding in a Strongly Interacting Fermionic Superfluid, J. W. Park, B. S. Ko, and Y. Shin, Physical Review Letters 121, 225301 (2018).
- Realization of a Cross-Linked Chiral Ladder with Neutral Fermions in a 1D Optical Lattice by Orbital-Momentum Coupling, J. H. Kang, J. H. Han, and Y. Shin, Physical Review Letters 121, 150403 (2018).
- Critical Spin Superflow in a Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate, J. H. Kim, S. W. Seo, and Y. Shin, Physical Review Letters 119, 185302 (2017).
- Observation of von Karman Vortex Street in an Atomic Superfluid Gas, W. J. Kwon, J. H. Kim, S. W. Seo, and Y. Shin, Physical Review Letters 117, 245301 (2016).
- Collisional Dynamics of Half-Quantum Vortices in a Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate, S. W. Seo, W. J. Kwon, S. Kang, and Y. Shin, Physical Review Letters 116, 185301 (2016).