
Department of Physics & Astronomy

SNU Physics/IBS-CCES distinguished lecture series (03.18 ~ 03.21)

2019-03-07l 조회수 2306

물리 천문학부와 강상관계물질연구단은대학원생 연구자들에게 첨단연구에 대한 정보를 제공하며 이에 대한 기초지식을 습득할 있도록
SNU Physics/IBS-CCES distinguished lecture series 
시작하기로 하였습니다

Distinguished lecture series 두번째 연사로 강상관계 물리 이론의 전문가인 일본 동경대 Masaki Oshikawa 교수님을 모시기로 하였습니다.    


Masaki Oshikawa 교수님은 2006년부터 동경대 고체 물리 연구소(Institute for Solid State Physics(ISSP), University of Tokyo)에서 교수로 재직하고 계시며,

2016년부터는 Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU)에서도 Senior Scientist 겸임하고 계십니다.

Oshikawa 교수님의 연구관심 분야는 “Field theoretical approach to strongly correlated quantum many body systems”으로 강상관계 이론물리에서 여러 중요한 업적을 남기셨습니다.


 이에 학과와 강상관계물질연구단은Oshikawa교수님을Distinguished Lecture Series 두번째 강연자로 모시기로 하였으며

강의는 아래 보시는 바와 같이 다체계 시스템의 양자 성질에 대한 다양한 주제를 포함하게 것입니다학부의 대학원생들이 유익한 정보를 얻는 귀한 기회가 되기를 바랍니다.



                                     물리천문학부 학부장 전헌수 / 강상관계물질 연구단장 노태원



SNU Physics/IBS-CCES Distinguished Lecture Series

  1. 03. 18. - 03. 21. (10am - 12 pm , 13:30 – 15:30 every day)

Seoul National University



Field theoretical approach to strongly correlated quantum many body systems” by Prof. Masaki Oshikawa (ISSP, University of Tokyo)


Lecture I (03.18, Mon, 25-1 국제회의실)

-Bosonization of 1D systems and Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquid

-Bosonization approach to "Haldane gap"



Lecture II (03. 19, Tue, 25-1 국제회의실)

-Commensurability and Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem

-Bulk-boundary correspondence



Lecture III (03. 20, Wed, 500 목암홀)

-Chiral anomaly and condensed matter physics

-Polarization of quantum many-body systems



Lecture IV (03.21, Thu, 25-1 국제회의실)

-Anomaly and symmetry-protected topological phases

-Towards a systematic understanding of gapless critical phases


(강연 내용은 상황에 따라 약간 변경될 있습니다.) 


전체 강의에 대한 초록은 아래와 같습니다.


While strongly correlated quantum many-body problems cannot be solved exactly in general, their universal behaviors in the low-energy limit are often described by field theory. I will illustrate this intriguing connection using quantum spin chains as an example. A wide range of quantum many-body systems in one spatial dimension, including quantum spin chains, can be mapped to a relativistic field theory of bosons, which is also known as Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquid (TLL) with possible perturbations. Following Haldane's original (and long-forgotten) argument, I will show that the difference in the possible perturbations to the TLL leads to the fascinating difference between integer and half-odd-integer spin quantum number, known as "Haldane conjecture". The difference can be understood as a consequence of Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem, which reflects the (in)commensurability of the particle number with the periodic lattice structure. The Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem for the lattice model implies an "anomaly" of the corresponding field theory. While these connections would be most clearly understood in one spatial dimension, they have been extended to higher dimensions. I will discuss extensions of Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem in higher dimensions and its implications on field theory, and more generally the relevance of anomaly in field theories to condensed matter physics.


The SNU Physics and IBS-CCES will co-host Distinguished Lecture Series to provide the information on innovative research and fundamental physics knowledge to graduate students and researchers.

The second lecturer will be Prof. Masaki Oshikawa who is an expert in the theory for strongly correlated many-body systems, from Institute for Solid State Physics (ISSP), University of Tokyo, Japan .

Prof. Masaki Oshikawa has been a professor at ISSP, University of Tokyo since 2006, and also has been a senior scientist of Kavli
Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU) since 2016. Prof. Oshikawa’s main research interest is “Field theoretical approach to strongly correlated quantum many body systems”. He made various important achievement in the theoretical study of strongly correlated many-body systems. Thus, the SNU Physics and IBS-CCES has decided to host Prof. Oshikawa as the second lecturer of the Distinguished Lecture Series. The lectures will cover the basics of many body physics as well as the result of latest research (see attached for detailed information).

We hope that this will be the valuable opportunity for graduate students and researchers.


Head of Department of Physics & Astronomy, Heonsu Jeon / Director of IBS-CCES, Tae Won Noh


SNU Physics/IBS-CCES Distinguished Lecture Series

  1. 03. 18. - 03. 21. (10am - 12 pm , 13:30 – 15:30 pm, every day)

Seoul National University



Field theoretical approach to strongly correlated quantum many body systems” by Prof. Masaki Oshikawa (ISSP, University of Tokyo)


Lecture I (03.18, Mon, Bldg. 25-1, International conference room)

-Bosonization of 1D systems and Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquid

-Bosonization approach to "Haldane gap"



Lecture II (03. 19, Tue, Bldg. 25-1, International conference room)

-Commensurability and Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem

-Bulk-boundary correspondence



Lecture III (03. 20, Wed, Bldg. 500 Mokam Hall)

-Chiral anomaly and condensed matter physics

-Polarization of quantum many-body systems



Lecture IV (03.21, Thu, Bldg. 25-1, International conference room)

-Anomaly and symmetry-protected topological phases

-Towards a systematic understanding of gapless critical phases


(Detailed plan of lecture series might be modified depending on the situation.)



The abstract for the whole lecture series is as follows.


While strongly correlated quantum many-body problems cannot be solved exactly in general, their universal behaviors in the low-energy limit are often described by field theory. I will illustrate this intriguing connection using quantum spin chains as an example. A wide range of quantum many-body systems in one spatial dimension, including quantum spin chains, can be mapped to a relativistic field theory of bosons, which is also known as Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquid (TLL) with possible perturbations. Following Haldane's original (and long-forgotten) argument, I will show that the difference in the possible perturbations to the TLL leads to the fascinating difference between integer and half-odd-integer spin quantum number, known as "Haldane conjecture". The difference can be understood as a consequence of Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem, which reflects the (in)commensurability of the particle number with the periodic lattice structure. The Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem for the lattice model implies an "anomaly" of the corresponding field theory. While these connections would be most clearly understood in one spatial dimension, they have been extended to higher dimensions. I will discuss extensions of Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem in higher dimensions and its implications on field theory, and more generally the relevance of anomaly in field theories to condensed matter physics.