
Department of Physics & Astronomy

[차국린 교수] Materials Science and Engineering B 저널 Editor로 선정

2022-06-07l 조회수 713

우리 학부 차국린 교수가 2022년 6월 1일자로 Materials Science and Engineering B (MSEB) journal의  editor로 임명되었다.

MSEB는 Elsevier 출판사가 발간하는 저널이며 현재 IF는 4.051 이다.

Materials Science and Engineering B  (MSEB) aims at providing a leading international forum for material researchers across the disciplines of theory, experiment, and device applications. It publishes original studies and reviews related to the calculation, synthesis, processing, characterization, and understanding of advanced quantum materials such as low-dimensional materials, topological materials, meta-materials, correlated electronic materials and novel magnetic materials, as well as how these materials can be utilized in the construction of novel devices like quantum computers, quantum sensors, spintronics and optoelectronics devices. Studies including demonstrations of these devices are also welcome. To be published in MSEB, papers must meet the high scientific standards, contain original science and make significant advances within the field. Submissions will first be assessed by an editor before being sent to independent referees to ensure it meets the scope and standards of MSEB. 