
Department of Physics & Astronomy

[Sung Woon Cho/LabXHER] 2nd Year PhD student wins the Leo Falicov Awar

2007-10-22l 조회수 815

Sung Woon Cho (2nd Year PhD student @ LabXHER) has won the prestigious Leo Falicov Student Awards at the 2007 AVS International Symposium in Seattle, Washington. The Falicov award recognizes the best oral presentation of graduate research in the Magnetic Interfaces and Nanostructures Division at the AVS. This year’s finalist included graduate students from the U.S. (MINT at Univ. Alabama, Univ. Nebraska and Stanford Univ.) and Europe (Univ. Toledo, Spain) along with S.W. Cho. For his efforts, S.W. Cho has received a certificate as well as a prize totaling US$1000.

S.W. Cho’s 20 minute oral presentation titled ‘Onset of Nonlinear Transport and Two-Level Fluctuation through a Pinned Domain Wall in Patterned Lateral GaMnAs Constrictions’ detailed a novel method to realize such bipolar devices as the pn diodes and junction transistors utilizing a unipolar material, namely p-type GaMnAs. Parts of the presentation included work which has been recently published in Applied Physics Letters, which paper has been featured in the AIP VJ of Nanoscale Sci. & Technol.