
Department of Physics & Astronomy

[Prof.Yun Park] A paper has been published in the PRL

2007-01-09l 조회수 872
Interplay between Carrier and Impurity Concentrations in Annealed GaMnAs: Intrinsic Anomalous Hall Effect

Investigating the scaling behavior of annealed GaMnAs anomalous Hall coefficients, we note a universal crossover regime where the scaling behavior changes from quadratic to linear. Furthermore, measured anomalous Hall conductivities in the quadratic regime when properly scaled by carrier concentration remain constant, spanning nearly a decade in conductivity as well as over 100K in Tc and comparing favorably to theoretically predicated values for the intrinsic origins of the anomalous Hall effect. Both qualitative and quantitative agreements strongly point to the validity of new equations of motion including the Berry phase contributions as well as the tunability of the anomalous Hall effect.

PRL 98, 026601 (2007)