
Department of Physics & Astronomy

[안경원 교수] Fundametals of Laser Physics 저서 출판 (World Scientific Publishing)

2023-03-15l 조회수 747

안경원 교수의 저서 "Fundametals of Laser Physics"가 2023년 2월 2일에 World Scientific Publishing Co.에서 출판됨

Lasers are widely used in science and technology. Laser-matter interaction is one of the important tools in various scientific disciplines, not only in the conventional areas such as physics, chemistry and engineering but also in the emerging fields such as quantum information, biophotonics and metal materials. This book is intended as a textbook on laser physics for advanced undergraduate and the first-year graduate students in physics and engineering who need to use lasers in their labs and want to understand the physical processes involved with the laser techniques in their fields of study. This book aims to provide a coherent theoretical framework on the light-matter interaction involved with lasers in such a way that students can easily understand the essential topics related to lasers and their applications and get accustomed to the latest cutting-edge research developments. Most of all, the contents of this book is concise to be covered in a semester.