
Department of Physics & Astronomy

High-fidelity quantum operations on superconducting quantum devices

2022-09-27l 조회수 456
일시 : 2022-09-23 11:00 ~
연사 : Yosep Kim (KIST)
담당 : 김도헌 교수
장소 : 56동105호 / ZOOM
The superconducting circuits’ strength comes from the capability to accurately sculpt the Hamiltonian using their circuit parameters and microwave drives. That is, deeper understandings of the underlying physics can be immediately reflected in the Hamiltonian design, enabling improvements in coherence time, operational fidelity, and measurement fidelity. In this talk, I will introduce how to design the Hamiltonian of superconducting quantum circuits and present my recent works on high-fidelity quantum operation.