
Department of Physics & Astronomy

Utilizing physics to build a trapped-ion quantum computer

2021-08-30l 조회수 1071
일시 : 2021-10-06 16:00 ~
연사 : 김준기 (성균관대학교 나노공학과)
담당 : Prof. Bohm Jung Yang, Prof. Dohun Kim
장소 : 온라인
An ion trap is an exotic quantum system which reveals novel quantum phenomena and has become one of the leading quantum computing platforms. Its promising features include long qubit coherence time, low SPAM (state-preparation and detection) error, high gate-fidelity, and all-to-all qubit connectivity. Building such a system requires deep understanding on underlying physics as well as systematic engineering approach. This talk will cover fundamental ideas of the trapped-ion based quantum computing and recent efforts on building a highly engineered device. The prospect on scaling trapped-ion devices will be discussed as well.