QCD and Modern Theoretical Nuclear Physics
일시 : 2017-11-13 16:00 ~
연사 : Larry Mclerran (University of Washington, INT 소장)
담당 :
장소 : 56동106호
Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is revolutionizing our understanding of strongly interacting systems. The great success of lattice gauge theory in precision computation of static properties of strongly interacting particles is being generalized to real time evolution of systems of strongly interacting particles and to dense systems of quarks. Understanding the fundamental properties of the gluon, the particle responsible for most of the visible mass of the universe is essential to future developments in QCD and plays a central role in new forms of matter such as the Quark Gluon Plasma, the Color Glass Condensate and the Glasma that are found and studied at present and future accelerators.
첨부파일 (1개)
- 20171113.pdf (7 MB, download:634)