
Department of Physics & Astronomy

Mission and science opportunity at J-PARC Yujiro Ikeda J-PARC Center, JAEA and KEK, Japan

2014-03-19l 조회수 917
일시 : 2014-03-19 16:00 ~
연사 : Prof. Yujiro Ikeda(J-PARC Director)
담당 :
장소 : 56동106호
Science goal of J-PARC, encompasses from cutting-edge academic basic researches to industrial applications with use of So called secondary particles e.g., neutron, muon, Kaon, neutrino, etc., produced via proton driven reactions.
Mission of J-PARC as the international user facility, accordingly, to maximize all scientific results from international users.
Describing the J-PARC facility performance in terms beam intensity, quality and uniqueness, I like to show you how to access to J-PARC for your science. In order to provide good support to Korean user for J-PARC use, we, Korean science users and J-PARC center, have already established a collaboration framework, namely CKorJPARC. I believe J-PARC could offer a unique experimental environment to you with variety of beams.