
Department of Physics & Astronomy

Mathematics of flocking and synchronization

2011-03-09l 조회수 858
일시 : 2011-03-09 16:00 ~
연사 : Prof. S.Y. Ha(Math-SNU)
담당 :
장소 : 56동106호
In this talk, I will report recent progress on the modeling of collective behaviors appearing in biological and social complex systems, in particular flocking and synchro-nization. Flocking and synchronization of self-propelled particles are ubiquitous in our biological systems, for example, flocking of birds, swarming of fish and synchroniza-tion of neurons, etc. I will discuss how these macroscopic collective behaviors can be emerged from the simple interaction rules at the microscopic level, and present re-cent mathematical development on the aforementioned collective behaviors via several mathematical models.