
Department of Physics & Astronomy

The rich, the pretty and the strange in the nuclear street

2010-11-24l 조회수 944
일시 : 2010-11-24 16:00 ~
연사 : H.C. Bhang (SNU)
담당 :
장소 : 56동106호
The abundance of the elements in the stellar and cosmic system are the direct signitures of the cosmic origin and evolution. In the nuclear synthesis along the stellar evolution, the highly neutron rich nuclei are the main player, however they are the terra incognita.
In the race of the Super-Heavy Element (SHE), Z=113 has been seccessfully confirmed by the RIKEN group and will be named for "Japonium" soon which will leave the name 'Japan' forever along with the mankind. No Koreanium or Chinium in the foreseeable future yet.
The nuclei containing hyperon(s) or strangeness quark(s) have attracted much attention recently and will be one of the central subjects in nuclear and hadronic physics in the next decades.
I will discuss some of these focusing mainly on the latter.