
Department of Physics & Astronomy

1/Magnetic oscillations in two-dimensional organic conductors: a statistical approach for compensated Fermi surfaces

2010-11-03l 조회수 893
일시 : 2010-11-03 16:00 ~
연사 : Jean-Yves Fortin(Nancy)
담당 :
장소 : 56동106호
In this talk, we consider the de Haas-van Alphen experiments performed on quasi two-dimensional organics conductors such as
(ET)8Hg4Cl12(C6H5Br)2 at high magnetic fields, and the theoretical description of these oscillations from the knowledge of the Fermi
surface associated with this class of conductors. de Haas-van Alphen effect is a semi-classical phenomenon where the magnetization shows an oscillating behavior when the sample is submitted to a uniform magnetic field that is varied up to few tens of Tesla.
The oscillations are more pronounced when the field is large and the temperature low. From the Fourier transform of the signal we observe
generally a series of amplitudes associated with frequencies linked to the area of each classical orbits around the Fermi surface . We will see how we can extract the field and temperature dependence of these amplitudes and the effective masses as well, in the case where the Fermi surface is made of a multiband structure and compensated orbits, starting from the semi-classical theory of Lifshitz-Kosevitch.