
Department of Physics & Astronomy

암흑에너지와 가속팽창우주의 기원에 대하여

2007-03-28l 조회수 921
일시 : 2007-03-28 16:00 ~
연사 : 금용연 교수(대만국립대학교 물리학과)
담당 :
장소 : 56동106호
After SN1a and WMAP observations during last decade, the discovery of the
accelerated expansion of the universe is a major challenge of
astro-particle physics and cosmology. There are currently three candidates
for the " Dark-Energy" which drives this accelerated expansion:
1) a non-zero cosmological constant, 2) an ultralight scalar field
(quintessence field), 3) modifications of Einstein's theory of gravity.
In this talk, we review briefly the main idea of three possible candidates
and their relatied phenomena. We discuss a way how we can determine the origin
of dark-energy in future experiments. As a special case, we investigate
interacting mechanism between the dark-energy and the dark-matter (neutrinos).
We study CMB-radiation and large scale structure of the Universe, and find
that evolution of neutrino masses is determined by quintessence, which is
responsible for the cosmic acceleration today. Finally, we discuss
prospects of dark-energy search for the forthcoming 20 years.