
Department of Physics & Astronomy

Cellular transfer and AFM imaging of Cancer Cells using Bioimprint

2006-05-17l 조회수 825
일시 : 2006-05-17 16:00 ~
연사 : Prof. M. Alkaisi(Canterbery Univ.)
담당 :
장소 : 56동106호
We are investigating nanoscale technologies that might help in the early diagnosis at a single cell and molecular level and can be incorporated in the current biochips.
I will describe a new method that integrating nanoimprint lithography directly with biological materials to create replica cell impressions in robust storage medium to facilitate topographical analysis using nano-imaging tools. Termed BioimprintTM , soft lithography techniques are used to transfer precise cell topography into polymeric composite for imaging in harsh propping or electron environments. By creating a permanent biological footprint that is captured in a specific moment of time, a recorded response of cellular event can be kept.
The high resolution transfer of this process is detailed by imaging membrane morphological structures consist with exocytosis, in pituitary cells. The integration of soft lithography and biological materials present a novel method for the study and detection of biological system at the nano scale. Applications of this technique for cancer cells will be discussed.