
Department of Physics & Astronomy

What is Quantum Teleportation?

2004-03-24l 조회수 805
일시 : 2004-03-24 16:00 ~
연사 : 김윤호 교수(포항공대)
담당 :
장소 : 56동106호
Classical information (or state), such as the content of this abstract or
the genetic information contained in a human embryo, can be copied or
cloned. Quantum information (or state), however, cannot be cloned with
perfect fidelity since measurement in quantum mechanics inevitably disrupts
the state of the measured system. Therefore, under the presence of
environmental decoherence, if Alice transmits a quantum bit or a qubit
(with unknown quantum state) to Bob, there is no way to check if the
received qubit is indeed the same as what Alice had sent. This would
present a serious problem to quantum information processing. It is,
however, possible to \"teleport\" Alice\'s qubit to Bob without actually
sending the qubit itself. The essence of quantum teleportation is the
entangled qubit pairs shared a priori between Alice and Bob. In this talk,
after a brief introduction to \'quantum\' no-cloning theorem and the
teleportation protocol, I will discuss how quantum teleportation is
actually implemented in laboratory.