
Department of Physics & Astronomy

Nanospinics for Spintronics Revolution

2002-05-22l 조회수 1030
일시 : 2002-05-22 16:00 ~
연사 : 신성철교수(과학기술원)
담당 :
장소 : 56동106호
The term nanospinics is coined to describe the research on spin-dependent phenomena in nanomagnetic systems. Today we are gradually moving from the age of charge engineering in semiconductors to the age of spin engineering in magnetic materials. Truly we stand on the verge of a spintronics revolution, where spin-dependent new phenomena will be not only explained but exploited in novel devices. Thus, upcoming challenges in magnetism research include the manipulation of new magnetic materials and structures at the exchange-interaction scales and also, to understand and utilize the implication of this novel phenomena.

In this talk, I will present the highlights of the novel phenomena discovered in nanothin ferromagnetic film systems during the 1st phase research of our Center, which include spin reorientation transition, reversible spin switching, and contrastive domain reversal behavior, together with the challenging future issues for the realization of spintronics revolution.