
Department of Physics & Astronomy

Neutrino Revolution and Quest for the origin of the Matter Dominated Universe

2024-09-05l 조회수 462
일시 : 2024-10-02 16:00 ~
연사 : 정창기 / SUNY
담당 : Prof. Sunghoon Jung, Prof. Joonho Jang, Prof. Yongjoo Baek
장소 : 56동105호
The 1998 discovery of neutrino oscillation by Super-Kamiokande brought a "revolution" in particle physics, and ensuing remarkable advancements in our understanding of the neutrino oscillation phenomena.
However, our study on neutrinos has not been completed yet. For example, matter-antimatter asymmetry is one of the most outstanding mysteries of the universe that provides a necessary condition to our own existence, and it is generally agreed that experimental observation of "Charge-Parity" Violation (CPV) in neutrinos could provide us with a critical clue to this profound mystery. Recent T2K data show an indication of CPV, but establishing unequivocal results on leptonic CPV would require a next generation experiment such as DUNE in US. 
In this talk , I will describe recent T2K results in some detail, and present the current landscape of the field in the quest of leptonic CPV and future prospects.