
Department of Physics & Astronomy

What I do is physics

2023-08-08l 조회수 1472
일시 : 2023-12-13 16:00 ~
연사 : 박주용 (카이스트 문화기술대학원)
담당 : Prof. Dohun Kim, Prof. Sunghoon Jung, Prof. Yongjoo Baek
장소 : 56동105호
Physics literally means ‘nature’ or ‘natural things’, leading to our modern understanding of its meaning as ‘study of nature’ or ‘the way of things (物理)’. One should therefore not be surprised to find the principles of physics at work in all things around us, including culture, art, and even law. In this talk we will discuss how one can learn to apply ‘physical thinking’ outside the usual realm of what we call physics, and the opportunities (and difficulties) for those who try.